Friday, May 20, 2016

Freedom Prayer For Deliverance

Hello, Lord, this is your child____________ I would like to start by saying I know you have loved me, since before the foundations of the earth, and even if I feel my mother or father has forsaken me, you will never forsake me. You have engraved my name into the palm of your hand and added me to the Lamb's book of life to dwell with you throughout all eternity. Therefore, I will not be terrified or live in fear, what can man do to me; He may violate this earthly body, but cannot destroy my soul, or my spirit which belongs to you. Father, I completely surrender my life to you, trusting myself to your divine care, knowing you will bring me all the way through into your kingdom, for your honor and glory, knowing you will do more than I can ask, think, or imagine as I submit to the healing power of the blood of your dear Son and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!

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