Friday, October 6, 2017

A person’s conscience is our most secret core and our sanctuary. There we are alone with God whose voice echoes in our depths.
The Spiritual and moral life is about going forward, moving and growing. As you examine your heart, your conscience, are there any areas where you feel stuck or are even going backward? You must confront and confess these issues in order to move. In addition, you must be honest enough to try to get to the roots. As you surrender your issues and sins to the Lord, you can trust God for mercy, gentleness, and healing.
Some issues to think about:
Anger: Are you angry with others, circumstances, self or God? Is there bitterness, resentment, and non-forgiveness in your heart? Do you manage your anger by “exploding” or “imploding”? Possible roots of anger are Perfectionism, Grasping for control, unrealistic expectations, a family of origin.
Relationships: Is there someone you need to forgive? Can you ask for the courage to pray for them now? Is there someone you need to confront about their behavior? Ask for the courage to do so and to do it in a non-threatening way. Are you striving to love the irritating and “unlovely” people in your life? Or do you just avoid them?
Codependency: Do you allow the behaviors and emotions of others to control and manipulate you? Are you a people pleaser and live in fear of what others think all the time? Do you stand up for yourself? Are you true to yourself? Roots: insecurity, fear of rejection.
Idols: What “catches” your eye in life? Is it out of balance shopping, T.V., excessive Internet, gambling, food, drinking, sex, travel, sports, or work? Are you impulsive, compulsive, obsessive and out of control in any of these areas? What would being in balance mean in these areas? Roots: Low self-image/body image, boredom, lack of control, frustration with life, loneliness, self-sabotage. The need to escape from external and/or internal pain.
Gossip: Do you build relationships with others based on ungodly talk and slander? Control? Manipulation? Possible roots are the need for acceptance and approval from others. Belittling others to make yourself feel more important. Insecurity.
Lust: Do you watch programs on T.V., explore the Internet or read books that are inappropriate? Does this lead unwanted behaviors? Possible roots: Longing for God shifted to lust. Lack of contentment stemming from the need for excitement. Lack of self-control and immaturity. Simple rebelliousness and flippant disregard.
Laziness: Are you lazy in areas of personal health, relationships, work, and seeking God? Roots: Lack of self-control and discipline, immaturity, low self-esteem, selfishness, lack of integrity.
Pride: Are you stubborn, controlling, insensitive, cynical, contentious, opinionated and slow to say you were wrong? Do you judge others harshly simply by appearance? Pride denies and hides issues. It has a need to always be right. Humility admits, confronts and confesses. Roots: “I” Selfishness, negative self-image, fear, and insecurity.
Anything else? Is there any other area that you need to confront and look at in order to experience healing, forgiveness and go forward? Look at your relationship with God, others, and self. Try to think not just about your issues, but possible roots. God Bless you as you confront, face your pain, confess and move forward!!
Father Cedric(Charismatic Catholic Priest) Called for such a time as this!

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