Friday, May 27, 2016

Walk The Path From Victim To Victory In Jesus!

On my life's journey from sexual abuse victim to victory in Jesus Christ, I came to realize as I approached middle age, that many of my peers in my generation, both male and female had been sexually abused as children and never revealed the abuse to anyone. This is completely reasonable due to being born at a time when these types of crimes were not discussed or they were conveniently swept under the rug. 

I have also heard of reports of women being told by the parent or caretaker not to tell anyone, and in so many words get over it. This is a sad reality, we now have a whole segment of a generation of men and women out there, still trying to just get over it. This is why I have become so passionate about being a vessel God can use to point people, who are struggling with this issue, in a course of direction that will lead them to the source of healing body, soul, mind, and spirit, Jesus Christ. It is my belief that you are never too old to be set free and delivered from any source of violation satan has devised to steal, kill or destroy your God given destiny. Our Father in heaven made provision for every source of healing, we will ever need while on this earth, we only have to go forward in Jesus name and partake of His divine provisions set in place for us before the foundation of the earth.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

God Is Calling All Tamar's Back To Him!

(Genesis 38:11)

I have always wondered why Tamar  was told return to your father's house and live there as a widow. This question has plagued me for many years. Suddenly one morning as I was waking up the Holy Spirit gave me an answer. I'm sure there are many other answers, but, this is the one he gave me. He said Tamar was told to return to her father's house that she might receive his vision and provision for that particular season. I truly believe  Tamar was a victim of sexual abuse. A willing victim, but still No less a victim. I also view prostitutes as victims of sexual abuse  willingly and unwillingly. I personally feel this way because in many cases it has to do with survival in places and cultures that don’t value women in general. We see it all over the world, sometimes in our very own families. So back to Tamar. I believe God our Father is calling all the Tamars of the world back to Him so that he may provide for and heal them body, soul, mind and spirit. If this agrees with what you are feeling at this time, Return to the Fathers House, Jesus is waiting for you.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Freedom Prayer For Deliverance

Hello, Lord, this is your child____________ I would like to start by saying I know you have loved me, since before the foundations of the earth, and even if I feel my mother or father has forsaken me, you will never forsake me. You have engraved my name into the palm of your hand and added me to the Lamb's book of life to dwell with you throughout all eternity. Therefore, I will not be terrified or live in fear, what can man do to me; He may violate this earthly body, but cannot destroy my soul, or my spirit which belongs to you. Father, I completely surrender my life to you, trusting myself to your divine care, knowing you will bring me all the way through into your kingdom, for your honor and glory, knowing you will do more than I can ask, think, or imagine as I submit to the healing power of the blood of your dear Son and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Prayer For Victims Of Sexual Trauma

Precious Holy Spirit, as that part of the God Head that was sent to comfort, heal, teach, and direct every aspect of my life I submit to your authority over my life along with casting all my cares upon you because you love me more than I love myself. Please, heal wounds inflicted on my soul by the wicked one. Help me to forgive those who have stolen my innocence and sever the soul ties that were created as a result of the abuse I was unwillingly subjected to. You are my redeemer and I am your redeemed child, which you have rescued from the pit of degradation, shame, guilt, and bitterness. I thank you that a bitter root will not be able to form in my spirit and defile future generations by subjecting them to the adverse effects of any type of lust or sexual perversions. I cancel any assignment of the enemy that would subject my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, to further damage from any type of sexual bondage or iniquity. 
Form a hedge of protection all around the coming generations and a blood line that the enemy cannot penetrate
 Thank you Holy Spirit for your transforming power in every area of my life.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!